

MP3 versions were judged favourably in both of the tests in which they appeared, with the mean

values being 4.95 and 4.68 for Tests A and C, respectively. Surprisingly, the MP3 versions also outscore

the CD versions(and by a clear margin for Test A), as both were created using an identicalsource file.

Data would appear to suggest that this unexpected result may be attributed to Test A only. If taken

on face value, then our result indicates that the process used to encode the song‘Charm Offensive‘

to a 192kHz MP3, yielded a better (if not equivalent) result than the dithered version down-converted

to 16 bit/44.1kHz (for CD). Thisresult wasseen assomething of an anomalyand therefore, the CD and

MP3 files were checked again to ensure that levels were matched, which they were to within 0.01

LUFS. Further frequency analysisshowed the MP3 version exhibiting a greater reduction in higher frequencies and much more abrupt filtering after the Nyquist frequency. Although there are differences

between the files, one would not expect the loss of high frequency information to contribute to the

perception of improved audio quality.


在我自己的两套音源对比上,黑胶在声音厚度、流畅度、包围和立体感上,全面胜出数字音源(Linn kds3),当然Linn音源本身素质不是优势,但即便是论所谓的好听,我的黑胶也比数字强很多。

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